Michelle Buteau, a multifaceted talent in the entertainment industry, emerged as a stand-up comedian shortly after September 11, 2001, eventually earning recognition as one of Esquire’s “ten comedians to watch” in 2017. With her dynamic presence, Buteau ventured into hosting the acclaimed Late Night Whenever! podcast in 2018, labeled as “one of the best podcasts of 2018 so far” by Time. Her versatility shines through in various mediums, from memorable film appearances in hits like Someone Great and Always Be My Maybe to hosting roles on Netflix’s The Circle and WNYC’s podcast, Adulting. In 2020, she made her literary debut with Survival of the Thickest, a collection of personal essays, followed by a TV adaptation on Netflix in 2023. Buteau’s comedic prowess earned her a Critics’ Choice Television Award for Best Comedy Special with Michelle Buteau: Welcome to Buteaupia in 2021.