Todd Barry, a seasoned comedian with an extensive career in television, animation, film, and radio, has left an indelible mark in the entertainment industry. His stand-up comedy has graced numerous platforms, including his own specials on Netflix and Comedy Central, appearances on late-night shows like Late Show with David Letterman and Jimmy Kimmel Live, and tours with the USO. In the realm of animated television, Barry has lent his voice to various characters in popular shows such as Bob’s Burgers, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, and Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist. His television credits extend beyond animation, with memorable roles on Flight of the Conchords, Louie, and Sex and the City, among others. In film, he’s showcased his talent in productions like The Wrestler and Wanderlust. Todd Barry’s comedic prowess has been recognized with awards such as the 2003 Nightlife Awards for Outstanding Male Standup Comedian and a Jury Award for Stand Up at the 1998 U.S. Comedy Arts Festival in Aspen. Throughout his illustrious career, Barry has graced prestigious comedy festivals worldwide, solidifying his status as a comedic icon.